Thursday, April 20, 2006

Las Vegas Hands.

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Here is a rundown of some of my favorite hands from Las Vegas.

1. The Biggest hand.
1-3 Spread Limit Holdem at Excaliber.

I was dealt a Qh Jh and decided to raise up to $4. I got two other callers. One a nice gentleman from Washington, and an older man call. Board came up Ah Th 3c. I decide to lead out with my 12 outer( 9 hearts plus 3 other kings). The turn card is what every player dreams of. King of Hearts. I have just nailed a heart Royal Flush. It's limit so I just lead out $3 on the turn and river. Both players call.

Older Gentleman A-7
University of Washington Student. 7h-4h.

I can't resist a victory rip as I show the Qh-Jh for a royal. Though I didn't win any kind of special jackpot, I did get the poker room director to shake my hand as well as raking in that beautiful money. I'll talk in a little bit about some other memorable hands. But going to Vegas, and nailing a royal flush is a life long memory.


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